If nouns are adjectives, what are verbs?

“In the beginning, God created (programmed) the heavens and the earth.” He programmed something from nothing. St. John’s understanding of the process was deeper. He said, “In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God.”

Catholic Fundamentalists see God as The Loving Programmer. We think of Jesus Christ as The Program in perfect, loving, obedient, human form. The Holy Wireless Connector is the ongoing relationship between Father and Son and programmed entities.

The first verb came to be when He decided “to program”, as in “Let there be light”. That program included all the characteristics that light would have. Soon, light was being produced and emitted. As soon as other things were made, it began to be reflected, and absorbed.

Part of the Light Program were the Operating Instructions for light. Real science is concerned with discovering bits of the Operating Instructions, whether of light or anything else. Most of us understand that the Operating Instructions can be changed. When such a change helps us, we may reasonably think of it as “miraculous”.

When we see, we see Light’s Operating Instructions within the greater program. We see green leaves because the leaves absorb all colors but the green they reflect into our eyes. When we make sense of why two and two is four, we may also say, “I see.”, because all seeing, whether green leaves or abstract ideas, is in the mind.

When we say, “I was walking down the street.”, “walking” is the verb. It actually describes rate and type of movement. It is different than “running” or “crawling”, but, as all verbs, only describes movement.
