Numbers and consistency.

Many of us know wealthy leftists who, through their own efforts, have piled up very large sums of money. They are good at reading balance sheets and income statements. They are often brilliant about investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. In that part of their lives, analyzing numbers is a finely honed skill.

If consistency is desirable, one would think that they would apply those same analytical skills in all areas of their lives. But, something makes their minds go dead when analyzing other kinds of numbers.

The same leftists who will go on and on and on and on about the loss of four thousand American soldiers in Iraq will virtually ignore the eight million babies killed by abortionists during the same time period. The leftists who will fire their investment advisor for not producing the desired returns refuse to use their fine minds to do the same sort of math to find out that an easy way to save the most lives is to encourage the use of DDT to wipe out the mosquitoes that carry malaria.

Of such thinking, Jesus said, “Your crime is not that you are blind, but that you say you see.”

We who are firmly pro-life must ask ourselves what more we could have done to save those most innocent and helpless among us. We know that we are not doing as much as we could to keep babies safe from the abortionists’ cold forceps. Our own concerns keep us distracted and occupied. On one hand, most of us have been called to do what we are doing, and we try to do it well. On the other, we are not doing enough.

We can, and should, do more. We can also go to Confession, where we may recognize that our sins of omission are serious, and confess them. Our priest will know what to tell us.

When our soul leaves our mind and body behind and goes to Judgment, we will not be saved if we’ve planned to say something like: “I’ve been a basically good person. I didn’t lie, cheat, or steal. I didn’t kill anybody.” and expect to be saved.

We can say, “Forgive me for turning a blind eye to the suffering of my neighbors.” But, we have been told by a high authority on the subject that “faith without works is dead”. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that more than a mere request will be expected from us if we are to avoid a fate far worse than death.

If we all do something, and, the next day a little more, and continue to work and pray that abortion is stopped we may, and the word “may” must be emphasized, be forgiven.

As long as we’re doing something, our own soul may stand a chance.

We each have the mental ability to picture the endless ranks of the souls of murdered babies sitting in a jury box alongside the Throne of Judgment like a vast cloud of tiny Christmas lights. We might begin by asking them, right here and now, this very minute, to please forgive us for having done so little to keep their numbers from growing.

There are many good, solid pro-life organizations. We could make a pledge to increase our donations to them.

It would be a start for those of us who want to make an investment with the best possible return.
