One frightening fact remains: We get closer to Judgment every micro-second.

One frightening fact remains: We get closer to Judgment every micro-second. Judgment is the most terrifying thing we face. At Judgment, our soul is sentenced. We will be sent to everlasting joy. Or, we will be sentenced to eternal agony.


Our immortal soul came into being at the moment of conception. Our immortal soul was within us from our beginning. Then, we were the size of a grain of salt!

By A Miracle of God, our spirit, mind, and body coalesced around our soul. We got bigger. God stayed the same size after He Spoke Creation Into Being. Our soul is “made in The Image of God”. So, our soul has stayed the same size since the moment we were conceived!


Catholics think about the immortal souls of unborn children. Billions of them have been killed by abortion, pills, and implants. Where did they go?


Each of them was a “A Living Testimony to Life”. They were martyred on the Altars of Convenience. God cherishes their souls. Those who knowingly and willfully destroyed their lives know what they have done. They hide from the consequences.

One frightening fact remains: We get closer to Judgment every micro-second.


He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us how He will Judge every soul. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

If we have knowingly and willingly contributed to the deaths of the unborn, we have disobeyed God. We have disobeyed “Thou shall not kill.” We have disobeyed “Love your neighbor.”


God left one way for the willfully disobedient to receive Forgiveness and Absolution.

Jesus is specific. He gave His First Catholic Bishops a Great Power. “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”


Jesus loved future generations. So, those blessed to be Ordained in Living Link with His First Catholic Bishops have His Power to forgive our sins. Those who understand that “Jesus is always right” are grateful to obey.

We confess our sins. We receive Absolution.

None of us do as much as we could to protect life. We need to recognize that at Confession if we want to be among His obedient “friends” when we go to Judgment.

One frightening fact remains: We get closer to Judgment every micro-second.

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