Only Catholics are smart enough to ask This Question!

.                                     St. John tells us The City of God is huge!   1,200 miles (2,400 km) on each side.


Question 1:   “What is The Question that only Catholics are smart enough to ask?”

Answer:    “What holds up the roof of The City of God“?


Question 2:   “Why hasn’t any Willful Protestant in History asked That Question?”

Answer:   “Willful Protestants ‘believe’ in Jesus, but they reject many of His Teachings.   Minds crippled by contradiction cannot think as clearly.”


Question 3:   “Why does The City of God have a flat roof?”

Answer:    “There is no rain falling on it!    The Book of Revelation tells us there are ‘fruit trees‘ growing and water flowing down ‘the river of life’.   The City of God has a ‘roof’ to provide temperature control.”


Question 4:   “Beams that hold it up have to be 1,500 miles long!   How long can a beam made out of steel be?”

Answer:    “About 60 feet, or 20 meters.”


Question 5:  “How can we even think about steel beams that are 1,500 miles (2,414 km), long?”

Answer:  “God gave us the dimensions of The City of God to let us see how much greater He is than we are.   Catholics know that God can make beams that will reach 1,500 miles (2,414 km) across the thick walls of precious stones.”


Question 6:  “Do Catholics believe everything God says?”

Answer:  “Yes!  We believe:

1.  Jesus Christ is The Second Person of The Holy trinityHe is God.

2.  God has The Power to Speak One Church into Being with His Holy Word:   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of God.’

3.  God has The Power to give His Catholic priests This Authority:  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.

4.  God has The Power to let His Catholic priests preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation that turns bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper.”

5.  God has The Power to create and organize countless billions of Holy Saints and Angels to do His Will in Heaven and on earth.”


Question 7:  “What did God use to make the ‘beams’ that hold up the roof of the huge City of God?”

Answer:   “The roof of The City of God is held up by ‘beams of His Light’.”

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