Only Catholics Think Clearly about “All The Time There Is”.

Catholics are blessed with images and reminders of God and of those who loved Him enough to understand His Power in Space and Time.


Question 1: “Why is our Time on Earth a Gift from God?”

Answer: Catholics know The Bible. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that every person has one lifetime on earth between the ‘time to be born’ and the ‘time to die’.”


Question 2: “Everybody knows that! What do Catholics do with their ‘time to live’?”

Answer: “Every hour of every day brings choices of how to spend our ‘time to live’. Catholics try to use that ‘time’ to focus on ‘All The Time There Is’.”


Question 3: “What does ‘All The Time There Is’ include?”

Answer: “‘All The Time There Is’ means ‘Eternity’. Catholics know that our immortal soul will go To Christ’s Judgment. Our ever-living soul will be sent to spend ‘All The Time There Is’ in either Heaven or hell.”


Question 4: “How do Catholics deal with that?”

Answer: “Catholics ask God for This Great Blessing! ‘God, let me use my time to Think Clearly about This Word of Jesus in John 15:14! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “Why do Catholics plead with God to let them Think Clearly about that?”

Answer: “The Judgment of Jesus will decide where we will spend ‘All The Time There Is’. If we go to His Judgment among His ‘obedient friends’, we get to spend ‘All The Time There Is’ in the joys of Heaven!”


Question 6: “How does Jesus know how we have used our lifetime on earth?”

Answer: “Rev. 20:12 tells us that Jesus will read Every Word that we have written in our ‘Book of Life’. And, He reads what others have written about us in their ‘Books of Life’. He reads very quickly! In a moment, He knows if we were among His ‘obedient friends’.”


Question 7: “I am disgusted by my sinful thoughts, words, and deeds! How can I get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Do what Catholics do! We ask God to let us Think Clearly enough to understand He has given His Catholic priests This Power in John 20:23: ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 8: “What happens to my soul if I have willfully chosen to believe that Jesus Christ did not have and did not give His Catholic priests That Power?”

Answer: “You may have unwittingly written This Word in your ‘Book of Life’: ‘I think Jesus Christ told a lie or made a mistake.’

May we all be blessed to Think as Clearly as Catholics about how to go to His Judgment and spend ‘All The Time There Is’ among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

We can find interesting ideas about using our time wisely in this, and other free books and writings from an anonymous Catholic convert with over a hundred and fifty patents:

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