Only Fools Fail to Fear.

Today’s Reading begins with Acts,10:25 and includes this passage quoting St. Peter: 

“Then Peter proceeded to speak and said,
“In truth, I see that God shows no partiality.
Rather, in every nation whoever fears Him and acts uprightly
is acceptable to Him.”

This passage boils reams of worry about who is and who is not going to be saved down to the very essence of salvation:  “in every nation, whoever fears Him and acts uprightly is acceptable to Him”.

It does not say “whoever fears Him and thinks, speaks, acts uprightly is acceptable to Him”.  It just says,” whoever fears Him and acts uprightly is acceptable to Him.”   That’s all it takes to begin our pilgrimage.  That’s the price of a one-way ticket on our personal Mayflower.  So, while we want our thoughts and words to be holy and pleasing to He Who lovingly programmed and downloaded us within His Creation Program, our first concerns must be to fear His power and to act uprightly.

God is letting us know, through St. Peter, that our priorities must be fearing the Lord and acting uprightly.  From that position, we can purify our thinking and speaking.  Our priorities must be fearing the Lord and acting uprightly.

Only fools fail to fear.  Only fools choose not to act uprightly.
