Paganism, Political Corruption, and Poverty

Until recently, the Christian nations tried to make the world a better place. White colonial governments in Africa ran parts of the continent better than at any other time, before or after. But, those who wanted Africa’s minerals without paying for them didn’t want to see stable countries with private property, titles, and enforceable contracts where they’d have to pay fair prices. So, greed and paganism turned what could be one of the world’s wealthiest areas into an endless slum, where lawlessness, and corruption reign, hand in hand with death.

The same pagans are trying to loot the once Christian countries. They do so by forcing us to pay far, far more for energy, the use of which they’ve demonized, than it costs to produce. “We are running out of oil.”, the professional shortagers insist. “Peak oil means that there isn’t any more. We must conserve!” The reasons for depriving us of energy are endless, and are magnified by politicians corrupted by bribes. As a result of the moral and political corruption, we are driven into greater poverty.

Yesterday, news stories appeared about the “Big, New Oil Field Discovered in Greenland”. Odd that there’d be a new oil field discovered just yesterday, especially after all the talk about running out of oil. A couple of years ago, similar news stories told us about two “Big New Oil Fields Discovered Off Brazil”. Amazing how many “new” oil fields there are. Or, aren’t.

The truth about oil is that it’s produced by underground processes and is pushed to the surface. Sometimes, it’s “capped” in pools by layers of more impermeable rock or clay. That truth is one of the most widely denied truths in the world. The entire economy of the Middle East and other places with large amounts of oil seeping upward into their pumps is based on making Westerners believe the lie that “we’re running out of oil”.

Those want to maintain their exclusive status of “oil producing nation” will pay huge amounts to maintain the lie that subsidizes their power and the comparative helplessness of a “world running out of oil.” One of the dumbest identifiable segments of society, People Who Believe Environmentalists, is composed of those weak, simple fools who believe the propaganda they’re fed, growing poorer and dumber by the day. They simply can’t understand that If more people would drill more wells, everyone would be more prosperous.

Some are able to figure this out and embrace it. Others realize that the opportunities for bribes and individual self-enrichment are increased by creating artificial shortages and wish to profit from them.

Basically, the idea that we’re running out of oil stems from not believing that God is powerful enough to have programmed processes that will go on producing oil as long as He wants. Catholic Fundamentalism understands that, and understands that the free will God provided us in His vast Creation Program also give the freedom to lie, cheat, and steal to those who do so. Catholic Fundamentalists realize that many people exercise their free will to make illicit profits from oil and other hydrocarbons, some of the most wonderful sources of energy The Loving Programmer programmed for us.
