Pawns of the dragon in Rev. 20

Once, The Twelve Tribes said to God: “We are tired of being run by Judges. Please, give us a King so we can be an important nation.” God warned them: “The King will raise your taxes and take your property and sons whenever he wants. You do not understand how much better off you are being ruled by Judges who ask Me for guidance.”

They didn’t listen. “We want a King!” And, they got one. Their taxes went up and their Kingdom divided. After awhile, Babylonians took over. Then, Greeks. After that, Romans. Soon, the Temple was destroyed. Surviving Hebrews were scattered all over Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

In the thousand years that followed the fall of Rome, nations coalesced around Catholic Kings. As that Thousand Year Reign of The Catholic Church over Christendom ended, “We want democracy!” became a rallying cry of the discontented. “Democracy will make things better and fairer!”

The Church explained: “Democracies will allow demagogues to take power. You will be worse off under democracies than under Catholic Kings whose power is somewhat balanced by The Church Jesus Founded.”

“We don’t care! We want democracy!” came from those who followed the dragon that came out of the abyss in Rev 20.

Luther, Calvin and other pawns of the dragon in Rev. 20 insisted “We don’t need The Church Jesus Founded to get our souls into Heaven. We are saved by faith!” After a thousand years of its reign over Christendom, early Protestants drew people away from The Only Church Jesus Founded. Millions were drawn into tiny, national denominations. None of them was strong enough to stand up to to the political powers.

The fragmenting process continued. We are divided into 43,000 separate schisms, each invented by vain, ambitious men. The results are clear. Fornication became accepted. So did rampant divorce and remarriage at will. Artificial birth control was followed by abortion, and euthanasia. Christians are now too divided to even stop the invasion of destroying Moslems.

If all who understand become Catholic, we may be saved. It is important to understand that many hate the idea of Catholic teaching so much that they would rather see us divided and destroyed than united with The Only Church Jesus Founded.
