Political correctness kills.

The Associated Press let us know today that there’s an “Uproar  in France”.  Why?  Because tapes of an interview with a mass murderer were released.

“French television station TF1 aired audio recordings Sunday night that it said were of Mohamed Merah talking to police during a standoff in March that ended with him being shot dead. Police said Merah espoused radical Islam and killed three Jewish schoolchildren, a rabbi and three paratroopers.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said Monday it has opened an investigation into the broadcast, which could violate French rules on the privacy of investigations.”

A mass murderer has killed three children and four adults.  The French government is more concerned about tapes of his conversation with the police being released without proper authorization than with graphically warning  people by letting them know what the murderer thought and said.

It’s mind-boggling!  They don’t want to warn people about those who would destroy them, in their enemy’s own words?   Why not?  They want such tragedies.

Political correctness kills.  On purpose.  Not only in France.  Political correctness kills, intentionally and everywhere.  Most nations will coddle, rather than criticize or condemn similarly motivated murderers and all lesser, economic attacks on their people.   Why?  Every established government wants its people to know that their government despises them.

Governments want people to know that they are utterly powerless to do anything to control, much less, stop any bureaucratic urge for money or power.  When vicious foreigners come into their nations and kill their own citizens, governments rejoice.  “We’ll show ’em who’s boss!”, the highest ranking ‘crats cackle among themselves, knowing that they are politically correct and elated that political correctness kills.

Once we realize that our governments actually do despise us, what can we do about it?  We can’t let their desperation for power drive us to hate them.  It’s better to react with understanding and love in the hopes that they, themselves,  may become kinder, more understanding, and loving rather than forging new chains of enslavement.

Pretty soon, we, ourselves, will go to Judgment.  If we haven’t let our own souls be devoured with thoughts of hate and revenge, we’ll have a better chance of passing.
