Pride, truly the deadliest of sins.

Pride, truly the deadliest of sins. The Bible says that “We do not choose Him, He chooses us.” We should be staggered with the joy of having been chosen. When we understand that we have been chosen, we realize that our “real” life begins at death.

That brings joy, which can only exist when there is no fear of death.

As unbelievers grow older, hatred grows in their lives. It’s hard, knowing that they have less and less life left. The little hope they have diminishes daily. Without hope, joy is strangled.

We can imagine how lost they are when considering that they think a celebrity’s advice is going to provide lasting help. Watching someone nod up and down as a TV bubble-head tells them how to think and act is almost enough to make us cry.

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They haven’t joined the the happy band of pilgrims, and He isn’t pushing them.

If they ask, He will let them join the group.

Why do they rarely ask? For the lost, Pride is something to be proud of. For us, it is a wall between us and eternal life. That’s why Pride is the deadliest of sins.


Catholics understand: This Picture gives an insight to The Power of The Holy Trinity. ~ Question 1: “Why are Catholics blessed with ‘The Holy Vanity’ to think we may get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?” Answer: “Jesus Christ left one set of ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ on earth to The […]

Many hate The Thought that Jesus reappears and lets us “rise from the dead” at Every Catholic Mass following The Last Supper. ~ Question 1: “How can anyone think that Catholic Communion will let us ‘rise from the dead’?” Answer: “Every Christian knows that Jesus Christ ‘rose from The Dead’. Lk 24:4 and 27: ‘Christ […]

Jesus personally saves Catholic souls from worldly confusion that keeps many from having His “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. ~ Question 1: “How does Today’s Bible Reading tell us to ‘Be Catholic!’” Answer: “Col 2:6-15 clearly tells us to ‘Be Catholic!’ with This Word: ‘Brothers and sisters: As you received Christ Jesus The Lord, […]