The Programmer will let entire peoples erase themselves.

As we see what is happening to Europe and North America, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that God has turned His face from us. As we ignore His Operating Instructions about the need to love Him and our neighbors as ourselves, that lack of love becomes part of how we feel about ourselves.

“There’s really nothing wrong with abortion and euthanasia, because there are too many people, anyway.” quickly blossoms into the self-hating fetidness that infects, like a spiritual plague, all who embrace it. Many no longer hear with horror the silent screams of millions of unborn babies dismembered every year, but God does. Fewer of us can see that we have greatly offended the God who lovingly programmed each of them to have a chance at life and salvation.

His justice is sure. We can see His mighty hand behind the destruction of those who hate Him and their neighbors. The ruins of Babylon, the New York City of its day, provide all the proof we need that human structures can be utterly erased at His will.

We do well to pray for His Programming Assistance that we may saved, despite the efforts of our leaders to destroy us. We must separate ourselves from those who hold beliefs that trivialize their neighbors’ lives and well-being so that His wrath does not fall upon us. We do so by praying.

Prayers work because He hears them. The Book of Revelations tells us that the souls of innocents are within the Altar before Him, crying out for justice. We can pray, and live, in such a way that we are not included in their demands for retribution. Since none of us work as hard, or do as much as we can, to protect life and truth, our prayers should include a plea for mercy.
