Protestant divisions of death

For nearly two thousand years, The Catholic Church fought abortion. There was enough respect for life that few unborn children were killed.

Until the 1950s, Catholic teachings about the sanctity of life were shared by nearly all Protestant denominations. Unborn life was respected.

Then, the number of Protestant denominations began to multiply. In 1900, there were a thousand denominations. Most Protestants were in the “Mainline Denominations”, like Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc.  They followed Catholic Teaching on most moral issues.

In a mere hundred years, the thousand denominations exploded to an incredible 45,000! Think of it! Forty five thousand ladders to Heaven! The confusion brought the Protestant divisions of death.

While the number of denominations exploded from one thousand to forty thousand, the number of worshipers decreased. Mainline Denominations shrank. Small, start-ups came and went.  Boredom, death, and relocations to Florida had an effect.  Mainline churches became smaller, weaker, and many closed.

Many ministers developed new marketing plans. “Inclusive!” and “Welcoming!” turned into Protestant doctrine. “We are a warm, welcoming non-Judgmental ‘family church’ that believes in Jesus and The Bible!”  Successful “Marketing Ministers” sometimes morphed tiny churches into huge extravaganzas. Each giant mega-church took donors from smaller churches, often forcing them to close.

A Protestant Imperative emerged: “We need donors!” While The Catholic Church has always had Her doors open to repentant sinners, some Protestant groups became so desperate for donors they welcomed those who sought excuses to keep on sinning.

Some welcome practicing abortionists. Masturbation and fornication have changed from sin to pseudo-sacrament. Frequent divorce and remarriage?  Jesus words to the repentant, “Go, and sin no more.” became, “We do not pass Judgment.”

Sincere Pro-life people in the 45,000 denominations find their efforts stymied by donor-driven Pastor Bobs. “We don’t want to offend anyone.”, they say, nervously looking out over ever-emptier pews. “We want to be more welcoming!”

As long as Pro-Life people are fragmented by being in 45,000 different denominations,  unborn children will continue to be killed by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control.  As long as those who realize “We are being attacked by those who want to take everything we have, including our lives and children, and we can’t stop them because we are so divided.” are fragmented among 45,000 Protestant divisions of death, we are lost.

In all of history, the only force on earth that stopped both abortion and tyranny is The Roman Catholic Church.

When all who understand history support The Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies, we will have a chance at saving lives by stopping what have become the Protestant divisions of death.
