Protestantism is getting around Jesus.



Protestantism is getting around Jesus.  “We believe in Jesus, but we avoid many of His teachings.”  The deeper meaning of that:  “We do not fully believe that Jesus is God.”   That thought hides a secret vanity:   “If Jesus is God, then we who disagree know more than He.”  In every age, many eat the apple.

Catholics conclude:  “Jesus is God and able to speak clearly.  Jesus is God and always tells the truth.  Jesus is God, so His teachings must be obeyed.  Jesus told us fourteen times, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  I will do what Jesus says.”

At The Last Supper, Jesus repeated, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  Then, He turned bread and wine into His Body and Blood for those who took Him seriously enough to obey.

At that Last Supper, He ordained the first Catholic Bishops with the power to preside over the changing of bread and wine into His Body and Blood.  He ordered them, “Do this in memory of Me.”

Those who believed in Him enough ate That Holy Food.  They “had life in” them.

In every generation, Protestantism is getting around Jesus.  “I will not take Jesus seriously enough to obey Him.  I will not do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion from Catholic priests in The Only Church He Founded.”

Protestantism is getting around Jesus.  “Jesus did not actually change bread and wine into His Body and Blood.  Jesus did not ordain Catholic priests with the power to forgive sins so people could receive That Holy Food in The Only Church He Founded, no matter what He said.”

Protestantism is getting around Jesus.  “Jesus was either wrong or unable to speak clearly about many things.  We know more than Jesus, even if He is God.”
