Is Protestantism a First Commandment violation?

Is Protestantism a First Commandment violation?  Protestants don’t think so!  All Protestantism agrees on two things:

First:  “We believe in Jesus and The Bible!”

Second:  “We have to get around what Jesus Decreed in The Bible:  ‘. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .'”!

Most Protestants are smart enough to know:  “Jesus Only Founded One Church.  We don’t want to be Catholic!  Either Jesus is wrong, or we are!”  Protestants choose to believe:  “Jesus is wrong, not us!”

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In the last 80 years, Protestantism’s drive for donors has done great damage.  Divorces and remarriages are now easy.  Fornication is acceptable.  Abortion is allowed for “therapeutic” or “stress-related” reasons.  Abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and devices are no longer clearly condemned in written doctrine.

As a result of Protestantism’s undermining Catholic Teaching, countless families have been destroyed by divorce.  Millions of children have been so confused and hurt by their parents’ divorces they are unable to have healthy families of their own.  Billions of unborn babies, some no bigger than the grain of salt that each of us was at our conception, have been killed.

Still, Protestants proudly proclaim, “We believe in Jesus and The Bible!” as they reject The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Is Protestantism a First Commandment violation?  Choosing to reject The Only Church Jesus Founded for a belief system that applauds us for doing as we please is disobeying “Thou shall have no other gods before me.”


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