Protestants hate what St. Paul said!

Jesus Decreed The Only Church He Founded into being by saying one time, to one man:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .” 

Then, the first Protestants appeared!

They invented all sorts of self-serving ways to get money from people who wanted to get to Heaven without having to obey those pesky Catholic rules!

St. Paul was a great Catholic Bishop.  He founded Catholic Churches that sent Catholic Representatives to Catholic Councils called by Catholic Successors to Peter for hundreds of years!  St. Paul warned about the first Protestants in Romans 16: 17-18:

Has Protestantism ever been described so perfectly?  Professional Protestants “do not serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly.”  Wow!  No wonder Protestants hate what St. Paul said!

How do we identify the “belly-servers”?

St. Paul tells us what they do!  They  “. . cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine that you learned.”  (We know it was Catholic Doctrine they undermined because St. Paul taught elsewhere:  “This cup of benediction that we bless, is it not The Blood of Christ?  This bread that we break, is it not The Body of Christ?”)

Why do they cause “divisions and offenses.”?  St. Paul tells us:  “. . they do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly.”  WOW!

Then, St. Paul tells us how they “serve their own belly”!  They use “flattering speech” to “deceive the hearts of the simple.”

We see hear their empty piety, today:   “Are you born again?”;  “Do you know The Lord?”;  “Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?”;  “Catholics worship idols!”

In every age, “the hearts of the simple” are led away from Jesus and into the clutches of those who “serve their own belly”.

St. Paul’s understanding of Protestantism is profound!  That’s why Protestants hate what St. Paul said!


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