Protestantism: The Spoiled Child Syndrome takes theological form.

Spoiled children want their own way.  And, they want it now!   Spoiled children are drawn to those who praise them.

Spoiled children are drawn to Protestantism:  The Spoiled Child Syndrome takes theological form.

The Spoiled Child Syndrome is easily understood.   “I want my own way!  I want it now!  My opinions and desires are the most important thing on earth!    


Catholics look at God The Father as an adult!  Catholics obey Our Heavenly Father.  He sent His Son to earth as a Sacrificial Lamb.  Catholics take The Sacrifice of Jesus seriously!

“We will obey ‘Honor thy Father’!  We will obey His Son!  His Beloved Son spoke One Church Into Being with His Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”


Catholics respect Jesus so much that we actually obey Jesus!  “We are not going to argue with Jesus!  Jesus is smarter than we are!  Jesus knows more than we do!  Jesus is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity!  Jesus is God!  We are not going to argue with Jesus!”


In Protestantism: The Spoiled Child Syndrome takes theological form.  Many who suffer from The Spoiled Child Syndrome do have enough intelligence to realize:  “Jesus did fulfill Prophecies.  I have to take Him somewhat seriously!  But, I want to do things that The Church Jesus Founded forbids!”

How do they believe in Jesus and do as they please?  They look at the 45,000 Marketing Plans that have taken form as Protestant denominations.   They find one that appeals to them.


It is easy to find a Profiteer of Protestantism who will tell them what they want to hear!  “I can tell that you are smart!  I can tell that you are a good person!  I know that God will let you into Heaven!  God loves you just the way you are!  I do, too!  As long as you give me 10% of your income, I will keep telling you that!”

What more do we need to know about Protestantism:  The Spoiled Child Syndrome takes theological form.


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