The Catholic Church provides antibiotics for the soul.

Dangerous microbes infect our bodies.  Antibiotics kill bad microbes.  Without antibiotics, many of us would be dead.  Most of us are smart enough to use antibiotics when we need them.  We want to kill bad bacteria before they kill us.


Demons are worse than bad bacteria.   Demons attack the soul.  The Demons don’t just kill immortal souls.  Demons lead souls into the endless sufferings of hell.


How do we keep demons from devouring our soul?  We get help from God!  God sent His Son to earth.  He drove demons out of people!  Jesus gave His Disciples that power.  The Catholic Church provides antibiotics for the soul.

Evil spirits know they must keep people from obeying Jesus.  The devil had a brilliant idea.  “Let’s get gullible people to only believe in parts of what Jesus said!”


That was the devil’s best idea!  “We can get people to babble about being ‘born again’, or ‘saved by faith’, or some such silliness.  Then, we tell them,  ‘You do not have to take anything else that Jesus said seriously!’”

The demons knew:  “There are lots of sins that people want to commit.  If they think they only need to believe parts of Jesus’ Teachings, we can get them to think their sins are OK with God!   We can make them think they are not sinning if they mindlessly repeat ‘I believe in Jesus!’ while they are sinning.  What could be more offensive to God than that!


Smarter demons asked:  “How are we going to find people who will tell them such lies?”

“We’ll help them invent ways to praise their donors so successfully they can get 10% of their donors’ incomes!   The Profiteers of Protestantism will love that!  They’ll hardly ever let themselves think about what that will do to their own souls!”


Catholicism provides what every evil hates:  Seven Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven!  One of them is Catholic Communion!  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The Catholic Church provides antibiotics for the soul.

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