Protestantism’s flaw? Ignoring micro-murder.

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Many millions of couples use chemicals, implants, and devices to keep from being pregnant.  Many forms of “birth control” work by causing their tiny baby, smaller than a pinhead, to die on his or her way to the womb.  Willfully ending the life of a baby smaller than the head of a pin is described as “micro-murder”.

Intelligent, honest, sensitive people often realize, “God forgive us!  We have probably killed a child we didn’t even know.”

The Catholic Church has recognized that “Life is sacred and must be protected from conception to natural death.”   Obedient Catholics see what others do not.  “It is wrong to kill the unborn, no matter how small.”  Protestantism’s flaw?  Ignoring micro-murder.

Every human mind is able to understand “I was once a microscopic being, smaller than the .  at the end of this sentence.”  Minds made dull by dark desires hide that understanding.  They abandon love and logic by concluding:  “It is all right for me to kill what I once was.”

We see, in the life and death issue of micro-murder, the difference between Catholic Teaching and Protestantism.

Of the 45,000 denominations of Protestantism, each invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan, hardly any will even tell their married clergy:  “It is wrong to use birth control chemicals and devices that kill your unborn children.”

After understanding this astonishing fact, intelligent people must ask:  “If professional Protestants will not even protect the lives of their own children, what good can they do for me and mine?”

On the other hand, those who seek to justify the micro-murder of their own children gravitate toward Marketing Plan Denominations that avoid considering the evils of sacrificing children on the altars of convenience.

Others see;  there is an evil greater than the killing.  The greater evil is believing that killing may be justified by personal desire.   Understanding that turns souls who want to be saved to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Catholicism teaches that human lives are worthy of protection, no matter how small.

