Protestantism’s perverse perspective

Protestantism’s perverse perspective keeps them from seeing the difference between dozens, hundreds, and thousands and billions!

The greatest sin in history has been the murder of billions of unborn babies.

Over a billion have been aborted. Billions more, no bigger than a grain of salt, have been killed by abortion-causing pills, chemicals, and implants.

Why have those deaths become widely acceptable? Protestantism’s 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations weakened Catholic Teaching Authority.

Protestantism led nations to willfully ignore: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Protestants ignore the deaths caused by their attacks on Catholic Teaching. Protestantism’s perverse perspective drives them to make excuses:

“Hundreds were killed by The Inquisition.”

“Thousands were molested.”

Protestantism’s perverse perspective keeps them from seeing the truth: their attacks on The Only Church Jesus Founded have allowed the deaths of billions of unborn children to become acceptable.

Catholics shudder in horror at what is happening. We see that The Prophets predicted the fall of nations who sacrificed their children on Babylon’s Altars of Convenience.

Protestantism’s perverse perspective claims to respect God, The Bible, and The Prophets.

Still, they do not enforce any written condemnation of the killing of the unborn.


Protestantism’s perverse perspective impels them to say: “I believe, so I am saved.” Protestantism’s perverse perspective leads them to think that is enough.

Most do not even encourage the families of their own congregations and clergy to save the lives of their own unborn children.

Why? They are too afraid of losing donations.

The killing will continue as long as they deny The Teachings of The Only Church Jesus Founded when He Decreed to one man, one time:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
