The first Protestant

The first Protestant was thrown out of Heaven for disobeying God. He appeared in The Garden of Eden. “I could not defeat God, but I can kill His most beloved creations!”

The stage props and set decorations were programmed and downloaded out of multi-dimensional pixels. Systems and beings were put in place during Six Programming Sessions. The first actors were on stage! They had free will.

The Big Movie had begun! The Producer/Writer/Director gave Adam and Eve one instruction: “Don’t eat the apple!”

The first Protestant saw his opportunity! “You are just as good as God! Eat the apple! Be like God!”

Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. They ate the apple. Misery and suffering followed.

God knew that would happen. The first Protestant spread evil beliefs over the earth. One group of Chosen Actors was given specific Commandments. Even many of them willfully disobeyed “Thou shall not kill.” Some even killed their own children.
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God loved the actors who followed His Instructions. He gave some of them knowledge of future happenings. His prophets predicted that God would come to earth in human form. He would be born at a specific time in a predicted village. He would be in one House of one Tribe of Actors.

The Prophesied Messiah came to earth at the predicted time and place. Many followed Him into The Only Church He Founded when He Decreed to one man, one time:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The first Protestant said, “I hate it when people get into The Only Church Jesus Founded!”

The first Protestant knew: “I got them to disobey God in Eden! I can do it again!”

What he did not realize that he was only helping God do what He promised to do: “I come to divide.” The first Protestant has followers to help God separate self-willed goats from His obedient sheep.


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