Protestants are like Eve in four ways.


Protestants do not learn from History.  Protestants are like Eve in four ways.

1.  Eve let the devil lead her to disobey God’s Word.  What happened?  She and her family were thrown out of The Garden of Eden.  They had to work for a living!

Like Eve, Protestants disobey The Actual Word of God.  Jesus Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being with His Word.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies said to one person, one time:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Protestants are like Eve.   They disrespect and disobey His Holy Word.


2. There is another way Protestants are like Eve.   After Eve disobeyed God, what did she do?  She got Adam to disobey Him, too!

Protestants are like Eve.  Once Protestants have disobeyed God, the first thing they do is to encourage other people to disobey Him.


3. The Same Person Who Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being clearly said:  “If you lead a little one of mine astray it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea.”

Even that Direct Warning from God is not enough for Protestants to obey!  As soon as a Protestant has chosen to disobey The Church-Founding Word of Jesus, their vanity grows.

The Protestant belief, “I know more than Jesus about which denomination to be in.” leads to a  soul-condemning conclusion!  “I would rather ‘have a millstone tied around my neck and be thrown into the sea’ than to obey God!”

Many Protestants do what Eve did!  They let vanity drive them to condemn their own souls by leading others “astray”.


4. The fourth way Protestants are Like Eve:   Protestants think their opinions are more important than obeying God.

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