Protestantism: “I believe in a God Who is not worthy of my obedience.”

More than 300 Prophecies predicted the coming of The Messiah.  Prophets told us who His Family would be.  They told us where He would be born.  Prophecies told us of His Life.   Prophecies told us of His Death:  “He shall be lifted up before men.”  “They shall look upon He Whom they pierced.”

There is no question about the authenticity of The Prophecies.   They were written hundreds and thousands of years before Jesus was born.  The correctness of their Writing was validated by The Dead Sea Scrolls.  They had been safely hidden before there were Christians who could have altered them.


Blaise Pascal was a very smart man!  He invented the Science of Statistics!   And, the wrist watch!  And, the first public transportation system!  This genius applied his mind to The Bible.  His conclusion was clear!

“The Prophecies are the most powerful reason to believe in Jesus.”  Pascal knew that Jesus did fulfill The Ancient Prophecies.    He knew that  could not have been a coincidence!  Pascal realized:  “The only reality is Jesus!  The Roman Catholic Church is His Church!


Pascal concluded that every honest person had to be Catholic!   .  . “outside of which (the Catholic Church) I am fully convinced there is no salvation” .  (Provincial Letters: I, 781).


Pascal described people who said, “I believe in Jesus, but I do not think He was right about ______, _______, or _______.”

He wondered, “How may such people be trusted in anything?  They say that God is the most important Thing in all Creation.  Then, they choose to disobey Him!   They cannot have integrity in anything!”


Catholics and atheists agree with Pascal’s reasoning!  “It is impossible to respect the integrity of anyone who publicly states His belief in an All-Powerful God while publicly choosing to disobey Him!”

Is there proof of that?  No Protestant respects God enough to obey His Church-Founding Word.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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