Do Protestants deny Jesus “before men”?

A profound question:  Do Protestants “deny Jesus before men”?

Matthew 10:33 tells us what happens to those who deny Jesus: “Those who deny Me before men I will deny before My Father in Heaven.”

What of those who say:  “I believe in Jesus!” but refuse to respect Him enough to be in The Only Church He Founded By Decree:

“So I now say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.  What you bind on earth is considered bound in Heaven.  What you loose on earth is considered loosed in Heaven.”

Those who willfully and knowingly deny His Decree deny Him “before men” every time they deny His Decree.

“before” also means that many put the teachings of men “before God”.  That soul-destroying vanity is the heart of Protestantism.

Those who follow teachings of men that deny The Truth That Is Jesus have put men “before” God.  It is “partial atheism”.

Obedient Catholics do not deny His Decree.  They respect Jesus enough to be in The Only Church He Founded.  So, obedient Catholics are not included among:  “Those who deny Me before men I will deny before My Father in Heaven.”

What is the eternal price to pay for choosing to “deny Me before men”?

Jesus will keep them from Heaven!  That is what the last half of “Those who deny Me before men I will deny before My Father in Heaven.” means!

Some are so vain they choose to think Jesus was not telling the truth!  The disobedient think He was wrong, or kidding, when he said: “I will deny (them) before My Father in Heaven.”!

Protestantism is based on the delusion of believing that Jesus is so inconsistent that He will not do as He promised and not “deny them before My Father in Heaven.”

