Protestants love consistency; in football.

Protestants love consistency; in football. If a football team on the 20 yard line were allowed to move the goal line to the 21 yard line, they would score!

The rules of football do not allow the goal line to be moved.

Every Protestant agrees: “No one should be allowed to move the goal lines to suit themselves!”


Protestants do not love rules when it comes to obeying Jesus. Jesus Founded One Church when He Decreed to one man:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Profiteers of Protestantism believe, but rarely say: “Jesus was either wrong, untruthful, or unable to speak clearly when He said that.”


45,000 Protestant denominations were each invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan. They have “moved the goal line” to wherever they, and their donors, are.

Then, they claim, “We win!”

Protestants will not “move the goal line” in football. They will “move the goal line” when it comes to obeying Jesus! Protestant denominations “moved the goal line” to allow easy remarriages. They “moved the goal posts” by no longer criticizing, much less condemning, fornication, abortion, pills, and implants.

Protestants move the goal lines to where they are. Then, they claim, “I win!”

They do not see the real losers. Because they moved the goal lines, hundreds of millions of families have been broken by divorce. Billions of unborn babies have lost their lives.

Protestants love consistency; in football.


Why do they “move the goal line” when it comes to Moral Teaching? They are chasing donors. They tell their Target Markets, “You are smart! You are good! You are going to Heaven because you believe in Jesus and you believe you are a good person!”

They do not tell their donors they are keeping their souls from being forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

At least Protestants love consistency; in football.

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