Protestants need a more intelligent perspective.

Protestants need a more intelligent perspective.

Billions of unborn children have been killed by abortion, pills, and implants. Those deaths occurred because The Profiteers of Protestantism have undermined Catholic authority. The Church is no longer to influence Pro-Life legislation.

Catholic Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.” can no longer be enforced by law.


The Profiteers of Protestantism do not focus on protecting life. Many obsess about a comparatively microscopic problem. They rant and rave about a very few improperly ordained men who commit a few hundred, or a few thousand, sins in a year. Protestants need a more intelligent perspective.

They remind one of a man spending himself into bankruptcy while worrying about re-using a tea bag to save money.


Our souls will go to Judgment. We have all “sinned and fallen short of The Glory of God.”

None of us are Pro-Life enough. But, those who justify distracting donors from the deaths of billions while focusing their selective, irrational outrage on a few are committing a very great sin.


At Judgment, we will be judged. There is a jury. The souls of the martyrs in Heaven are beneath The High Altar in Heaven.

There, “they cry out for Vengeance!”

Do The Profiteers of Protestantism think God is deaf to the martyrs’ unending cry for “Vengeance!”? Do they think God goes deaf when they stand before Him?

Every time a person weakens the efforts of The Church to protect life, they disobey “Thou shall not kill.” Such actions are in direct contradiction to “Love your neighbor.”

Do those who attack The Only Church Jesus Founded think He does not hear the souls He loves?

Do they think that spending their lives repeating “I believe in Jesus!” will protect them from the consequences of more and more unborn children sacrificed upon the altars of convenience?

Protestants need a more intelligent perspective.
