I, a proud Protestant, know


Today, a proud Protestant explains why he rejects The Only Church Jesus Founded.

“I, a proud Protestant, know that Jesus was wrong when He said:

‘Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

“I, a proud Protestant, know that Jesus was wrong about that!   He was also wrong about the clear call to Catholic Communion that He repeated 14 times, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  I, a proud Protestant, know He should not have said that, at least not so often.   His First Catholic Bishops should not have repeated that ten more times when they wrote The New Testament.  We should get rid of those passages!”

“The fact is that, I, a proud Protestant, know more than Jesus about me!  I, a proud Protestant, know I must reinterpret His Words to fit My Personal Beliefs.

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“I, a proud Protestant, know we that we must be  ‘independent thinkers’ and come to our own conclusions.  We must not blindly obey His 2,000 year old messages for another time and place!”

Catholics see that The Book of Revelation is clear.   “the Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Church ended when “the dragon was unchained from the abyss.”

Five hundred years ago, Luther fragmented Catholic unity.  Then, the world was washed in blood.  Millions of were exterminated between Ireland and Russia.  Countless millions of North American Indians were wiped out as the Protestant Establishment remained silent.  In the same period, The Catholic Church protected Indians in their nations so well that 85% of their populations still have Indian DNA.

A billion  unborn children were killed by abortionists.  Abortion-inducing birth control kills billions more.   Generations of children have had their lives ended by drugs.  What does the proud Protestant say?

“I, a proud Protestant, know that every life lost since Luther has been worth it!  He set me free to be me.”


Only Catholics can meaningfully see that Mary is always close to Jesus in Heaven. ~ Question 1: “Why is today honored by Catholics as ‘The Assumption of Mary’?” Answer: “Jesus raised His Blessed Mother to Heaven so She would be near Him forever.” ~ Question 2: “Why don’t Willful Protestants believe that Jesus: A. Loved […]

The Smarter Willful Protestants had to ask themselves a “New Question”! ~ Question 1:  “What happened after St. Stephen became The First Catholic Bishop who was ‘stoned to death’?” Answer:  “The other Catholic Bishops and those who heeded their Words about Jesus were attacked.  Acts 8: 1-8 tells us:  ‘There broke out a severe persecution […]

The Catholic Church helps billions of people put our souls in the most “proper place”. ~ Question 1: “Why do Catholics put things in their ‘proper place’?” Answer: “There are two things in every mind, Truth and lies.” ~ Question 2: “How do Catholics find the difference?” Answer: “Catholics know that Every Word of Jesus […]