Purgatory: God’s Soul Repair Shop

Souls and diamonds are bright and shining. The soul has God’s Light within it. The diamond merely reflects light from outside it.

A microscope shows every diamond’s flaws beneath the facets. There are tiny cracks, scratches, and discolorations.

Sometimes, a flawed diamond can be re-cut, re-set, re-polished, and regain value. If the diamond is too badly flawed, it can’t be fixed. It is smashed into powder and used to polish other things and make them bright.


Each soul was flawed by Original Sin. That flaw is healed by Baptism.

The awareness of our current flaws comes from preparation for Confession. Those flaws are repaired by Absolution.

Catholic souls are strengthened by Communion. We receive The Body and Blood of Christ. Our soul shines more brightly.

Confirmation lets our soul absorb more of God’s Love.

Marriage allows Catholics to bring more souls into being. We raise those souls to receive the same Gifts from God so that they may shine brightly forever in Heaven. They will be loved forever by Jesus! He promised, “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


Holy Orders provide God’s most beloved souls to receive the Power to help others seek flawlessness. Last Rites allow for overlooked flaws to be repaired.


Purgatory provides a place to purge remaining flaws from our soul. The pain is great, but welcome. “This pain will have an end! Thank God I’m in Purgatory!”

Purgatory is “God’s Soul Repair Shop”. Tiny lasers burn away dark deposits. Angels empowered to act as 3-D printers in fill in carefully cleaned gaps and cracks with perfectly positioned spiritual equivalents of molecules, atoms, and electrons.

Purgatory’s pain is diminished as repairs are made.


After the purification of Purgatory, a perfectly restored soul takes its proper place in Heaven. It joyously reflects the Glory of God.


Sadly, many keep their souls from The Only Church that provides “God’s Soul Repair Shop”. Vanity leads them to believe Jesus was wrong to Speak One Church Into Being with His Holy Word. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The devil loves it when Protestants exchange the temporary pains of Purgatory with the eternal agony of hell.

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