Catholics believe that “Jesus is always right.”

Catholics respect Jesus. Catholics believe that “Jesus is always right.”

Catholics respect The Promise Jesus made. Jesus promised us that all Catholic Teaching would be Infallible.


Jesus pledged that all Catholic Teaching would be Infallible. He promised that at the moment He Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being with His Holy Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Only Church-Founding Word of Jesus contains His Promise of Infallible Catholic Teaching! “. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

That is The Promise of Jesus about The Infallibility of Catholic Teaching! It was Jesus Who Decreed that “. . the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Therefore, it is impossible for there to be any error in Catholic Teaching.

Every Teaching of The Catholic Church is completely correct. Catholics are blessed to understand this simple truth. “Jesus is always right.”

Catholics fully understand that Jesus is always right. We do not question Catholic Teachings on Purgatory, Absolution by Confession, or receiving The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus at Communion. We do not argue with Catholic Teachings on the Intercession of Saints. We gratefully Revere and Respect The Blessed Mother of God.

Catholics are grateful to more fully understand the meaning within The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus!


Catholics realize how blessed we are to be Catholic! Obedient Catholics are blessed to go to Judgment among the Chosen Few! We Catholics are among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

When we go to Judgment, Jesus knows us. “I know My sheep and they follow Me.”

We Catholics have followed Jesus! We have obeyed His Holy, Church-Founding Word! Catholic souls go to, and through, the gates of Heaven! We are His obedient “friends”!


The Gates of Heaven will open for us! Why? We Catholics have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”! We did not let the Profiteers of Protestantism lead us to reject The Seven Catholic Sacraments.

We Catholics have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.“!

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