Questions Protestants don’t answer:


Questions Protestants don’t answer:

1. “Babylon believed in child sacrifice.   Parents were forced to have their children killed.  Are those who do not condemn the sacrifice of unborn children on The Altars of Convenience the Babylonians of today?”

2.  “Can those who knowingly support a denomination that does not condemn abortion-inducing birth control pills, devices, and implants help but be among the ‘fornicators and murderers’ that The Bible includes in its description of the damned?”

3.  “Do you, personally, see that the tiniest of unborn babies, no bigger than a grain of salt, have a right to life?”

4.  “Will the souls of those poor, murdered children be sitting on the jury at our Judgment?”

5.  “Your denomination insists that ‘We believe in The Bible!”   Why does it refuse to obey ‘Thou shalt not kill’? when it comes to the unborn?”

6.  “Does your denomination make it clear that the tiniest of unborn babies have a right to life?”

7.  “Are the married clergy in your denomination clearly taught that it is wrong to use abortion-inducing chemicals and implants that bring death to their own unborn children?”

8.  “Do the clergy in your denomination teach that all unborn babies, no matter how small, have a right to life?”

9.  “Does your denomination teach that ‘Love your neighbor.’ includes the very smallest, most helpless children, as small as each of us once was?”

10.  “Do you allow yourself to see that your denomination has no clear, definitive teaching on the Sanctity of Life from conception to natural death?”

11.  “Do you understand that Jesus gave His Apostles, and Catholic priests ordained in living link with them, the power to forgive sins because Jesus told them:  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.'”?

12.  “How can we be forgiven if we ignore the only people on earth given the Power of Absolution?”

13.  “Have you been led away from The Only Church Jesus Founded by someone with his or her hand in your pocket?”


