Rationers want to be gods.

It’s deeply disturbing to those who hate that people go to houses of worship and do two things that leftists despise, make donations and ask God for help. Those overwhelmed by their own vanity prefer that they be given the money and that they be asked for help.

They know that we can be forced to need their help when things are scarce. So, those who would be gods work to make things hard to get, replacing plenty with shortages. We see them making every thing they can as scarce as possible. Nuclear energy is so cheap it’s practically free. Instead, we have windmills that produce power which costs sixty times more. Medicine is similarly being rationed from those out of favor, so older people aren’t living as long in countries whose medical systems have been seized by the self-proclaimed deities.

Food costs are vastly higher because artificial scarcities of irrigation water have been imposed. Good education in the public schools is vanishing, while cheaper and more effective means of teaching are discounted, ignored, and driven out of existence.

Public transportation costs, high enough to buy a car for everyone who needs one, are escalating. Two of America’s largest producers of automobiles have been taken over by the government, along with banks, insurance companies, and whatever else they’re able to grab. More medical care is in the process of being rationed, accompanied by longer lines, higher costs, and earlier deaths.

We seem to be unable to retake control from those who would be gods. God, of course, can do so. It would be a good idea to start thinking, talking, and living in such a way that He might be inclined to listen to our requests.

“O God, we have sinned. Our nations have killed more babies than were destroyed in Babylon, Tyre, and Carthage put together. We have elected officials who despise You, truth, and life. We do not deserve to be spared from Your twin scourges of leftist tyranny and invaders who hate us. We’ve seen what Your first and second scourges did to your people in Jerusalem, thousands of years ago. In our lifetimes, we have see Your twin scourges of hate-filled governments and murderous invaders in France, Russia, England, Scandinavia, China, South Africa, and Venezuela. Please spare us with repentance and reconciliation rather than the wrath, retribution, death, and destruction we deserve for having moved so far from You.”
