A Reasonable Comparison

There are over a one and a quarter million abortions every year in the United States. Each kills one or more unborn children. There are another hundred thousand abortions in Canada. Added to these brutal deaths are hundreds of thousand more babies who are destroyed by chemicals in some birth control pills. We quickly see that an excess of two million of our tiny neighbors are killed every year, in the United States and Canada, alone.

There are approximately 2 million stones remaining in the great pyramid. In our minds, we may see that each one of those stones may represent a human life that has intentionally been destroyed. We may want to compare that with the problem of child abuse in The Church. Each and every year for 20 years, a new Great Pyramid could be constructed, with the 40,000,000 stones representing that many babies killed by abortion.

Over a forty five or fifty year period in the United States, there were between 12,000 and 20,000 allegations of child abuse by child molesters who pretended to be priests in order to get better access to children. There were no allegations of murder. While these children were hurt, and some were hurt very badly, they are alive. Many have healed and are being healed. So, twenty huge pyramids of 40 million stones representing an unborn child destroyed in the womb is compared with no deaths at all, but with, maybe,12,000 to 20,000 injured children, a large majority of whom were able to get beyond the awful things done to them. For every 3,300 to 2,000 unborn babies killed by The Culture of Death, a child may have been molested.

The other side has brilliantly gotten most of us to focus on the twelve to twenty thousand unfortunate children who were molested over nearly half a century while getting us to ignore the forty million who have had their lives stripped from them by The Culture of Death in just ten years. By getting us to not think independently and consider the awful genocide they’ve committed, they have also succeeded in driving many souls away from The Church, increasing the probability that their souls will be lost.

It looks like a win-win for the other side until we realize that God separates sheep from goats, a process facilitated by giving the self-righteous something about which to feel self-righteous while blinding themselves to a reality that is seen by comparing twenty Great Pyramids to no pyramid at all.

Oddly enough, there is a graph showing the number of accusations by year. It’s easy to see a slight resemblance to another pyramid:
Annual Count of Incidents Reported and Priests Accused, by Year

We learn two things. First, that no one ever suggests comparing actual numbers, as in the two million abortions every year with 12,000-20,000 abuse cases in half a century. Secondly, we are never told that The Church has reduced the abuse incidents with a miraculous efficiency. There is no government in the world that has ever minimized a problem so quickly.

The number of abortions in the U.S. and Canada? Still about two million a year. It’s obvious that the Culture of Death does not want to stop sin and death, but works to inflict both upon as many of us as possible.
