Remember, Dante called it “The Divine Comedy”.

Most of us enjoy the blatant inconsistencies, and outright lies, of those on the left. The obviousness with which trade their eternal souls for short-term gain is a never ending source of both amusement and sorrow.

The funniest aspect of their self-righteous swagger into the pit is that they think they are being intelligent, regardless of how irrational the boobery they embrace. Their desire to seem “intelligent”, as defined by popular media, far outweighs the desire to spend eternity in joy.

We see them frolic in oceans of lies, spewing forth what they have swallowed each time their head emerges from the seas of deception. Nothing they say is right, yet all believe themselves to be highly intelligent. To them, intelligence is defined as “the ability to repeat what our leaders say while nodding wisely”.

The only critical thinking they are encouraged, or allowed, to do is to undermine the credibility of every human activity except their own. We who believe in God are routinely demonized, castigated, and attacked at every opportunity. Loving those who attack us is simply a way to earn Heaven credits.

While suffering their depredations, we can’t forget to laugh. “The poor, damned fools would rather lose their souls than a nickel.” With every lie and theft, their souls send themselves to places of ever greater pain. When reminded of this possibility, they will attack with renewed fury, sinking themselves further into the agony beyond.
