Jesus did, and does, make use of rich people. Isaiah, 53:9 prophesied that The Messiah had to be buried among the wealthy. “They gave Him a grave among the wicked, a tomb with the rich.”
Joseph of Arimathea was rich! His tomb was cut out of solid rock by workmen with chisels and sledge hammers:
“The rock had been carved out from east to west, creating a narrow passage. The height of the hewn out chamber fits one upright man, the width also fitting one man, while the length can fit three or four men. Inside the hewn out chamber another section of the rock has also been carved out, an opening . . ., where it is said that Joseph placed the immaculate body of the Lord. . . “
Countless tons of rock had to be chiseled out and carried away to build the rich man’s tomb. Once Jesus was buried in it, Herod was told: “Jesus is buried in solid rock! You must keep people away from The Body of Christ!” Herod tried!
Neither solid rock, nor Herod, nor Roman soldiers could keep The Body of Christ buried! He rose, as prophesied in The Psalms: “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day”.
Catholic Communion was formalized. His obedient Disciples brought His bizarre, 14-time repeated Decree into Being at every Catholic Mass following The Last Supper: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
Catholics, obedient to Jesus, are blessed with the Miracle of Transubstantiation. Catholics cannot be kept from The Body of Christ to this day!
Roman soldiers once kept people from The Body of Christ. Now, Professional Protestants do that.