Schismism turns vanity into insanity.

All but the holiest are vain. Some good comes out of vanity. Many good things come into being because people strive for personal gain by providing better goods and services.

Many have a thought that may be described as truly vain: “I have an immortal soul. I want it to spend eternity in joy forever with God.”

For guidance, they turn to the Prophets. “For thousands of years, God told many Prophets of a Messiah Who would come and save our souls. He chose a group of people to preserve their prophecies. I will study them.”

Searchers for salvation become familiar with some of the 300 prophecies that predict, often with great specificity, the coming of Jesus. Many, as billions before, become Christian.

In our day, Christians wonder: “There are over 40,000 Christian schisms. The smartest thing is find the one that will give me the most help in getting to Heaven.”

Then, they find that each of the 40,000 schisms believes itself to be a “Ladder to Heaven”. It is easy to be confused in the vast forest of the 40,000 Ladders to Heaven.

Some find that logic helps. “I want to get my immortal soul to Heaven. The best way to do that is to follow Jesus’ instruction. First, He drove away all those too enamored with human beliefs to take Him seriously by saying: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ Then, at The Last Supper, He made sense out of those bizarre words by providing His Church with the power to transform bread and wine into His Body and Blood. It is the most bizarre set of beliefs on earth. It separates those who believe all that He said from those who only believe what they want. Since His coming, and His Words, are founded on the Prophets, His Church makes more sense than anything.”

The vain thought, “I want to save my precious soul.” does great good if it leads us to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Others wander aimlessly. It is easy to be lost among the tangled forest of the 40,000 “Ladders to Heaven”. Each separate schism is the result of some vain man putting his self-important theories into theological form. The disorder is called “schismism”. Schismism turns vanity into insanity.

We hear the insane rantings in the forest: “This is the ladder for you!” “No! This is a far better ladder! Climb mine!” Tiny bits of Scripture are found to justify each raving loon’s ladder.

Only The Church Jesus Founded believes all that Jesus said. It is a Golden Stairway built by God that shines among the wobbly ladders propped up by crazed men whose vanity has been turned into insanity by the deadly disorder of schismism.
