When We See Catholic Fundamentalism

When We See Catholic Fundamentalism as an uncontradictable alternative to the vain, supposedly intellectual exercises that take form in the God-denying and God-distancing theories embraced, and often subsidized, by politicians who use them to gain earthly power and wealth, we get a tiny bit closer to comprehending The Loving Programmer’s awesome power.

We also understand that He follows His own Programming Instructions. We may, for instance, pray to purchase a winning lottery ticket and see such prayers come to naught. Since we are frequently denied His miraculous programming assistance in such matters, we may find our faith diminished. We are encouraged to rise above seeing unanswered requests as reasons to lessen our faith by realizing that His Operating Instructions plainly state that “All things work together for good.”, or, in Catholic Fundamentalism terms, “His Program operates perfectly.”

That tells us that we, His beloved programmed entities for whom the entire Creation Program was created and downloaded to provide us with free will, should not use that freedom to choose to distance ourselves from The Programmer because He has not provided us with the programmed entities we request. Instead, we should endeavor to grow closer to Him that our anger with the way things are is replaced by love for Him and what He has programmed and ordained.

We are each in a battle in which we spend our lives choosing between loving God and loving our own vanities. As we win that battle, we grow in understanding that it is not what we have that is important, but what we do. An old hymn sums up how we are to operate within The Program: “He has no hands but ours.”

“He has no hands but ours.” may be paired with the old adage, “Idle hands are the devil’s playground.” We should get busy, and stay busy, helping to build the Kingdom of God on earth, each of us striving to avoid sin and the near occasion thereof while doing whatever bits of good we can.
