Since we are programmed with a natural affinity for truth,

Since we are programmed with a natural affinity for truth, life is very hard for those who prefer lies. They must ignore the many, many happy people around them, demeaning at every opportunity the mind set that cherish love and truth. They tend to gravitate toward those who share their world view of anger, fueling the flames that they know are destroying them even as they move deeper into the destructive fire.

Joy is not part of their lives. Neither is happiness. Their renouncement of love leaves only bitter loneliness, because they even grow tired of associating with fellow haters. Those who sin move deeper into sin. Those who hate find themselves in a process of increasing that hate. Those who dislike their neighbors gravitate toward reasons to dislike them even more. With every step they take, they move farther from the Loving Programmer Who wants them to turn to He Who brought them into being.

Their desire for happiness is often assuaged by earthly programmers, who provide no end of alternative programs that promise happiness and contentment. As they investigate the programs developed by their fellow human programmers, they, too, are found to be frauds designed to separate them from their money.

The only Program that actually does what it promises is provided in the being of The Roman Catholic Church. All others are corrupted with varying degrees of fraud that precisely reflect their distance from Her.
