Since “The Truth Will Set You Free”

Since “The Truth Will Set You Free”,

it’s only logical to assume that “lies will make you slaves”. There are different kinds of slavery. Some are slaves in the most literal sense of the word. They spend lives in bondage, laboring for others. Some are slaves to fashion, proclaiming their captivity with tattoos and metal rings. Others are slaves to vanity, working mightily to impress their neighbors by being seen and heard. Others are slaves to intellectual or pseudo-intellectual fashions, proclaiming the seriousness of the latest imaginary problems with self-righteous pomposity. All but the most holy are enslaved by desires to own or control the multitude of entities that have been programmed to provide each of us with unavoidable opportunities to freely choose between The Programmer and the things He has programmed to let us use our free will to determine the final resting place of our individual soul.

As we follow the teaching of Jesus in St. John, 8;32, “. . . you shall learn the truth and the truth shall set you free.”, we begin to understand that without Christ, we are slaves to the things and people of this world and the apostate angel who controls them.

It is interesting to note that the disparate forces of the apostate angel, who control many governments, agencies, and the endless vanity fairs, are united in their hatred of The Catholic Church. She is invariably attacked, maligned, insulted, and despised by those who’ve chosen to believe that the most important thing they can do is to divert human activities to their own ends.

Such attacks on The Church are one of the few constants in history. Those working for Henry VIII eagerly destroyed/confiscated the churches, monasteries, convents, schools, hospitals, farms, and printeries under Catholic Control. Before and since, those of every generation enslaved by the things of this world attack The Church. They obediently follow the dictates of the culture of death, the earthly realm of those who’ve chosen to follow the subordinates of the corrupting virus, the apostate angel.

The vast Creation Program may be coming to an end more rapidly than we realize. We see, in the Book of Revelations 12:4: “And his (the huge, red dragon’s) tail swept away a third of the stars from the sky and threw them to earth.” This has been logically connected to Vatican II, in which an approximate third of The Church’s clergy (the stars in the sky) got rid of the ancient liturgy of the Old Mass. They replaced as many of Her ancient, solid, teachings that they could with the subjectivity so beloved by self-worshippers. So, they may be seen to have literally been “swept from the sky and thrown to earth.”
