Sins of the flesh

A clear message came from Fatima to all with the sense to hear: “More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason. …”

The lost prefer sex to self-control. To put it bluntly, the uncontrolled urge for orgasms leads to unwanted pregnancies. The sinful often conclude: “I would rather kill my child than raise it.” The sins of the flesh led to a greater sin, and is, in that way, the greater sin; causing damage forever beyond the body and soul of the sinner.

Every excuse to have sex outside of marriage leads souls toward destruction. As the desire for orgasms inflames the mind, self-control is lost.

The sinful become depressed. Depression is followed by despair. Awareness of that downward slide is masked by sex, drugs, and distractions that run the gamut from the inane to the insane.

Then, after a lifetime of delusion, despair is followed by death.

At any point in our downward slide, we may look up. “God, help me.”, we may be led to plead.

If we are blessed, we will move toward The Only Church Jesus Founded. There, a Catholic priest, a living link in a chain reaching back to The Apostles ordained by Jesus, is empowered to provide the penitent with actual Absolution for our sins.

Our slate may be wiped clean. Depression and despair disappear. Our program is restored. We may begin again.

The devil and his demons hate for a soul to move to the Catholic Church. “Be an Evangelical! Be a Lutheran! A Unitarian! If you must be a Christian, be in one of the 43,000 other factions! Find and follow some Pastor Bob! Don’t be Catholic!”

That advice tells us who are friends are not.

The devil gloats when sin leads souls to hell. He is elated when he can draw a soul into hell at little cost. He knows an unholy joy when a soul is led to exchange itself for one illicit orgasm lasting only a few seconds before a fatal stroke. “There’s no fool like an old fool!” he cackles several times a day.

We who look back on what we’ve done wrong realize that the vast majority of sinners are not only wrong, but stupid. Most sinners are not bright enough to look at rich and famous billionaires who were cunning enough to exchange an entire lifetime of gratification for their souls.

“I was not only bad. I was dumb.” is the last thought of many souls who turned from the Absolution that Jesus Provided in The Only Church He Founded. Their eternal pain is thereby increased by that knowledge.
