The sons of Ishmael are often filled with an anger that hurts the poor and weakest and females among them in many ways. Rage, and the self-righteousness that justifies it, is such a large part of their lives that they have institutionalized them in both family and public organizations. Like the Communists, the countries of Ishmael rely on hate and fear to keep people in line.
At the lowest levels, their families are ruled by fear of their near-omnipotent father and husband. Public floggings, genital mutilation, honor killings, and stoning are common among them. Some wives have had their noses and heads cut off by jealous or angry husbands. It’s hard for there to be cheerful, loving, happy families under such rule.
Their religious organizations are fearful of the most hateful individuals and groups among them. Their most extreme haters are largely immune from meaningful prosecution or punishment for any crime committed in the name of their beliefs. As a result, they are encouraged to give vent to their own hate and frustration by killing others, even those who share the basics of their faith but differ from them the way Presbyterians may differ from Lutherans.
Their governments can only survive by paying off the most dangerous elements. Most Ishmaelite governments make a practice of sending their surplus populations to other countries. That process is aided by bribing public officials in the invaded nations to allow such immigration.
Once they are entrenched in foreign countries, they do everything they can to destroy the earlier inhabitants. An ongoing target is freedom. The sons of Ishmael simply hate freedom, and will do everything they can to destroy it.