Souls 8. Bodies and spirits need food. What do souls eat?

. This poor man lets his spirit stuff his body full of food. He doesn’t think about feeding His soul.

Question 1: “My body and spirit live on energy from food. What does my soul eat?”

Answer: “The human soul feeds on love.”


Question 2: “Where does the love that feeds our souls come from?”

Answer: “Love comes from God, our families, and our neighbors. And, our pets!”


Question 3: “How does God get His Love to us?”

Answer: “God sends His Words to earth. They put His Love in our soul.”


Question 4: “What does our soul do with That Food from God?”

Answer: “It wants more! When our soul begins to feed on Words of God, it tells our Body and Spirit to let it more of His Holy Food.”


Question 5: “Is our soul like a greedy pig?”

Answer: “Good question! Souls know that they best way to get more Love from God is to tell other people about how wonderful His Love is! When we encourage our beloved families and neighbors to obey God, they begin to receive His Food in their souls! We help them want more.”


Question 6: “Does my soul need me to do more than Love God’s Word?”

Answer: “Our souls cannot grow without ‘obeying’ God’s Word.”


Question 7: “Do we have to obey Every Word of God?”

Answer: “If we want our soul to shine as brightly as it can, we will obey Every Word of God!”


Question 8: “Is there Any Word of God we should all obey?”

Answer: “If we want the ‘keys’ to God’s huge Super Market, we will obey ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9: “Is there food for the soul in God’s Super Market?”

Answer: “Once we get inside, we find His ‘actual food’ for our soul!”


Question 10: “What is That Holy Food?”

Answer: “It is The Holy Food that Jesus Christ told us about 14 times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 11: “First, read His Word? Then, obey His Word? Then, eat His Body and drink His Blood? That sounds ridiculous!”

Answer: “It does until we do what is necessary to obey Jesus and eat That Holy Food. Your soul will shine so brightly that your body and spirit will stop fighting it!”

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