St. John’s “Miracle Memory”.

Catholics are stunned by St. John’s “Miracle Memory”. The Book of John shows his miraculous memory at work.

When St. John wrote the last of the Four Gospels, we are amazed. He remembered, Word for Word, about 1,362 lines of Jesus’ Teachings!

“How did St. John remember so many of Jesus’ Teachings?” That is an important question. It leads us to see what many miss: St. John’s “Miracle Memory”.


St. John heard The Words of Jesus. He remembered them. Then, he dictated them to a scribe, or he wrote them down. A primitive pen and primitive paper or papyrus was used. The very act of writing was slow and difficult.

How miraculous was his memory?

The United States Constitution contains 7,591 words, including the 27 amendments. If each line that St. John remembered contained 10 words, St. John’s “Miracle Memory” was the equivalent of memorizing almost two U. S. Constitutions!

It was incredible!


Many of us have had startling moments of recall.

Once, I suffered from shingles. A swollen, throbbing nerve in my brain throbbed in agony. As my soul or spirit moved back and forth along the inflamed nerve, it stopped. Suddenly, I was aware that my soul or spirit was reading emails that had been written five and six years earlier. They were there, in my memory.

I can no longer remember any of them, but, they are there. They are hidden to all but dreams, nerve inflammation, hypnosis, or drugs.


St. John was able to recall every Word that Jesus spoke when The Holy Spirit moved him to do so. His soul or spirit could “hear” The Words of Jesus. They had been spoken years before. They were there.

And, now Christ’s Words are with us!

Catholics thank God for St. John’s “Miracle Memory”!


May we all be blessed to embrace The Words of Christ that St. John was blessed to provide: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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