Down the stairs of doom.

Bird-watchers enjoy studying the way different kinds of birds fit into the larger scheme of things. It’s fascinating to watch swallows grabbing bugs out of the air, woodpeckers chiseling them out of trees, and robins gobbling them up on the ground.

Some of us like to watch liars lie. The very best liars gravitate to the high-paying jobs on big news networks. Associated Press writers spread un- and half-truths through thousands of newspapers. Television broadcasters insert lies directly into the minds of even the most illiterate citizens.

The Global Warming lies are invariably intriguing. One exaggeration follows another. “Polar bears are disappearing.” is followed by, “Too many polar bears may cause extinction.” We shake our heads in wonderment. “How can they contradict themselves so often?”

When we meditate on the passage, “A house divided cannot stand.” we see how spiritually suicidal it is to put our trust in any group of self-serving liars. Like Leninists fighting Trotskyite’s fighting Stalinists, their endless war against the world and each other goes on as long as they are on the earth.

Each lie takes them a step farther from the truth. As they descend, the awareness of the eternity that awaits makes them easily possessed by the demons of anger. “I’ll take as many of them with me as I can.” they say as they attack others more viciously.

At that point, they are no longer fun to watch, but dangerous to all. Hate is their master, and hating is the only thing they love.

When we pray for them, we can visualize a laser firing a soothing burst of invisible, spiritual energy into their souls. Nothing else can neutralize the hatred that burns within.
