Strolling down the Midway at the Fair


ORG XMIT: DMN1010171831562059 ORG XMIT: DMN1010131224361285 The east entry to the midway is lit up and full of fairgoers Sunday, Oct. 3, 2010 at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas. (Guy Reynolds/The Dallas Morning News) 10182010xMETRO

How do we spend our lives?  Strolling down the Midway at the Fair.  To our right and left, 45,000 shills and barkers cry, “Step right this way!”  Many stop and listen to the attractive notions proudly proclaimed:

“Come into our tent!  Get the deal of a lifetime!”

Many think to themselves, “That sounds pretty good!  What’s the catch?”

The barker tunes his pitch to each sort of person who pauses.

“I can tell, just by looking, that you are a smart person.  Am I right?”

The reply is consistent, “Well, I suppose so.”

“And, I can tell that you are a good person.  You have a great sense of right and wrong.  You are very concerned about all the problems in the world.   Isn’t that right?”

The reply is consistent.  “I try to be a good person.  I do have a great sense of right and wrong.  And, I am very concerned about problems.”

“I can tell that you are the sort of person who wants to do good.  We can help a fine person like yourself.  In our church, we are welcoming and caring because we care, too! And, we care about YOU!”

001_wow_bannerline-jpg-midwayEyes riveted on the insecure, needy mark, it’s hard to escape the alluring promise:

“If you are in our tent,  there are no pesky rules and regulations.  We only have good people in our church!   The kind of good people who believe in Jesus and The Bible.  There’s a door inside our tent that opens straight into Heaven!  Your soul will live forever because we give you a personal relationship with Jesus!

The mark slowly repeats “A personal relationship with Jesus?”

“Yessir!   Yessir!  A personal ree-lationship with Jesus is all you need!  We will tell you that you are smart and good and going to Heaven.  In return, you just give us some money!   In our church, that’s how we help each other to do The Lord’s work!”

Strolling down the Midway at the Fair, some spy a narrow door beyond the brassy ballyhoo.  Over the arch are five words:  “The Only Church Jesus Founded”.
