The Biggest Protestant Mistake: “Jesus has to let ME into Heaven!”

The “Lamb of God” sacrificed Himself to give His “obedient friends” the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.


Question 1: “Why is it a ‘Big Mistake’ to believe ‘Jesus has to let me into Heaven.’?”

Answer: “That belief is an insult to Jesus.”


Question 2: “Why is that belief an ‘insult to Jesus’?”

Answer: “Believing that ‘God must do what I want.’ is a violation of The First Commandment! Those who believe ‘I can tell God what to do.’ are choosing to live in The Vanity of Willful Protestantism. They put their beliefs ‘before God’.”


Question 3: “Why do Willful Protestants believe that God must do what they tell Him?”

Answer: “Most of them are too confused to understand that vanity has led them to become Living Insults to Him.”


Question 4: “What confuses them?”

Answer: “Worldly profiteers make a living by convincing donors to follow Marketing Plans that ‘guarantee’ their immortal souls will get into Heaven.”


Question 5: “Whose souls does Jesus let into Heaven at His Judgment?”

Answer: “Jesus promised in John 15:14 that these souls will get into Heaven: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 6: “Are those who willfully disobey His Teachings among His ‘disobedient enemies’?”

Answer: “Jesus has divided all people into two groups. Each person is either among His ‘obedient friends’ or His ‘willfully disobedient enemies’.”


Question 7: “Can the souls of His ‘willfully disobedient enemies’ get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Many are so confused they do not realize they have put their beliefs ‘before God’. ‘Accidental Protestants’ may have a chance of getting into Heaven if their ‘Book of Life’ shows they didn’t know any better.”


Question 8: “Does every Intentional Rejection of Any Teaching of Jesus keep us from Heaven?”

Answer: “If we intentionally choose to disobey This Teaching of Jesus, we have rejected the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that He suffered and died to leave to His ‘obedient friends’ on earth:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


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It helps us get into Heaven if we understand The Power of Jesus. One book on earth, “The Diary of St. Faustina” tells us how important it is to say “Jesus, I trust in you”

Only Catholics can understand why there is no . at the end of that sentence.


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