The brains of the Baptized think more clearly.

Adam and Eve willfully disobeyed God. Errors as tiny as electrons were written into Human Programs by their Original Sin. That error is written into tiny bits of DNA at every conception. The brains of the Baptized think more clearly.


We understand that the demons of Original Sin are expelled by the Power of Water and this Word:

“I Baptize you in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”.


At that micro-second, Original Sin is erased by The Word of God! The corrupting demon is sent screaming into the pits of hell. The mind is no longer corrupted by Original Sin. Guardian Angels are empowered!


Baptism is like washing a window. God’s light illuminates the soul, spirit, and mind. The darkness of the Original Sin is washed away. The brains of the Baptized think more clearly.

Baptism is so important that it may be provided by any Baptized Christian.

All of God’s Baptized children are able to drive Original Sin from those they may be called upon to Baptize! Any of us may Baptize another “In The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.”

Baptism begins each soul’s journey to Heaven.


Catholics take Jesus very seriously. So, Catholics closely consider every Letter in every Word of His Holy, Church-Founding Decree.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics cannot avoid the sixth s in The Holy Words of Jesus! That s is at the end of the word “keys“.


Jesus is clear! We need more than one “key” to open the Gates of Heaven to our soul.

Catholics pray that we, and the neighbors we love, will be blessed to do all that is necessary to have all Seven Catholic Sacraments strengthening our souls. They are “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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