The difference between soul and spirit

The difference between soul and spirit was made clear when I suffered from shingles. Shingles causes nerves to be inflamed. The right side of my head was in agony.

A nerve running behind my right eye reached nearly back to my ear. It was inflamed. It was barely bigger than a strand in a spider’s web.

During the throbbing pain, I realized that my soul and spirit were traveling along that nerve. They were trying to fix it.

My spirit was a self-driving car the size of an electron. My soul, the size of a photon, was its driver. My soul could take the wheel if it wanted. It was as if we were driving along through high, endless stacks of books in a library.

Suddenly, the car stopped. I looked up and was stunned. I found myself reading e-mails that I had sent five or six years ago. Hypnosis may allow some to recall such memories. They are there!


I had been given a glimpse of what goes on in our minds every day. Every waking moment, our spirit is trying to go where it wants. That’s what spirits do!

If our soul does not take control, our spirit will drive it into sinkholes of sin.

When we die, our mind and body stop. Every memory disappears. Our spirit goes out like a light.

Our soul is left.

It goes to Judgment.


John told us that Jesus could judge souls simply by looking at a person. John 2, 24-25: “But Jesus knew them all. . . . He never needed evidence about any man; He could tell what a man had in him.”

Obedient Catholics are blessed! We have obeyed Jesus’ clear call to Catholic Communion! He had repeated, fourteen times, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

When the souls of obedient Catholics go to Heaven, Jesus knows what “we have in us.”


He knows immediately that we may be forever in Heaven, among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

That micro-second will come quickly. We must be repaired to be prepared.

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