The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse. The First Horseman rode a white horse, and brought victory. Many ancient commentators thought that rider was Jesus Christ. Catholic Fundamentalists agree, and, from that, postulate about the other three riders.

The Second Horseman rode a red horse. He brought warfare and death. Some believe Mohammed was prophesied by the red horse. Since many of his allies were Edomites, (Edom means “red”), and Mohammed destroyed many peoples, our belief that Mohammed was the rider of the red horse (symbolism may be that “riding” the “red horse” was leading the Edomites into battle) is not unreasonable.

It is undeniable that the Moslem Conquest brought a lot of war and death with it. Persia, Turkey, Egypt, North Africa, Greece, the Balkans, and Spain were ravaged. Millions were slaughtered or enslaved.

Just as the number of generations from Abraham to David, from David to the Babylonian Deportation, and from that to Jesus Christ were each fourteen, it may be that the six hundred years between Christ and Mohammed indicates that in 1200, the Third Horseman, carrying scales and riding a black horse appeared. The scales may symbolize the Mongols, who “balanced” out the Moslem advances by taking many of their eastern territories.

Another six hundred year period brings us to Napoleon. We think the plague carried by the Fourth Rider of the Pale Horse was symbolized by Napoleon. He represented the plague unleashed by strong, central governments taken over by a destructive egomaniac with modern weaponry and unlimited taxing power at his command.

That plague is ongoing. Lenin and his followers, like Catholic-hating leaders of the French Revolution who were replaced by Napoleon, had their system hijacked by Stalin. He then helped Mao rise to power, who then helped Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot commit similar outrages against their own peoples. The Catholic-hating National Socialists in Germany were, likewise, hijacked by Hitler.

Now, of course, that plague has spread. Rabid environmentalists are spreading all manner of lies to obtain riches and political power for themselves. They, like the endless French and Russian committees who followed those restructurings of societies, will be replaced by a single-minded tyrant. Most of them will be destroyed by him, but such as they are ever unable to see that what went before cannot help but come again.

Unless, of course, The Programmer starts erasing things.
