The most important thing women do?

Many women are led to feel that they won’t be “fulfilled” if they spend time as wives and mothers.  Reality shows just how challenging children are.  The fact is that mothers have to have better, more active minds than most people with “important” jobs.

The most important thing women do?  Consider the challenges of children:

 “If you feel like you’ve done 15 rounds in the Mastermind chair after a day with your young child, there’s good reason. Mothers get asked an astonishing 288 questions every day by their little ones, a study reveals. In fact, they are called on to answer more questions per hour – 23 – than David Cameron is during Prime Minister’s Questions – which average 22. Girls aged four are the most curious, asking 390 questions per day – averaging a question every one minute 56 seconds of their waking day. The report – which surveyed 1,000 mothers with children aged between two and ten – looked at a typical day at home with the children for a mother and when they have to field the most queries. Some 82 per cent of infants apparently go to their mother first rather than their father if they have a query. A quarter of children, 24 per cent, said they do this because their father will just say ‘ask your mum’. Although the number of questions children ask falls with age, they increase in difficulty – so much so that 82 per cent of mothers admit they can’t answer them.”

That’s the result of an in-depth study.  Hopefully, more young women will realize:  “There is nothing more important and fulfilling for me to do than to have and raise my children well.”

That is far more important than most “jobs”.  Why are women encouraged to work rather than to have children?

The parasitic class feeds on taxes and regulations.  They don’t want women to have children.  They want women to have pseudo-important jobs and pay taxes.

They especially do not want women to have children at young ages.  They want them in college, providing  jobs for drones, parasites, and the horde of “administrators” who don’t mind driving students deeply into debt to pay them salaries, benefits, and pensions far larger than they are smart enough to earn without driving students into debt and living on what they borrow. 

The Culture of Death is the Party of Slavery.  It is rarely as obvious as in academia.  Life, love, and motherhood are preferable to tax and tuition slavery.  Those who break free find find that.

Mary, it will be remembered, had Jesus when she was fifteen.
