American mysteries. Catholic miracles.

The most bloodthirsty, evil empire in history grew in central Mexico.  Aztecs practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism, sodomy, and slavery on a scale that was unknown in the world.

The Incas weren’t much better.

The mystery is not just wondering where these people came from. The Aztecs had been in power a few hundred years.  Then, Spanish Catholics wiped out the evil governments that institutionalized the mass murders that kept them going. The bodies of some of their leaders have been found, buried in their pyramids.

Their DNA is available. Surely, the DNA has been researched. Surely, its sources have been found. The mystery: no one seems to want to know, or say, where the evil originated.

(A related mystery: Millions of Indians that would have been sacrificed over coming generations were saved by four or five hundred Spanish Catholics,.  Cortez, his four hundred men, and a few Catholic priests brought together thousands of Indians looking for deliverance from the evil.  They miraculously overthrow an empire defended by hundreds of thousands of trained troops.  A few hundred men and a bold leader destroyed the most evil government since Babylon. Why isn’t that great miracle mentioned?)

China’s Shang Dynasty is suggested as the source of such awful societies, “None of our dynasties were the ancestors of such evil brutality.” Some think the Aztec evil came from Japan. They deny it, as well: “We weren’t the ancestors of such evil brutality.”  Southeast Asia is mentioned.   Traveling traders, Babylonian, Phoenician, and Carthaginian child sacrificers have been suggested as the origin of Aztec evils.

No one wants to take credit for the most evil people in history. If any readers have better information, please let us know.

Some wonder if there is a “Demonic DNA” that is shared among the evil. Is there a genetic bit of Cain passed through time to bring death where it can? Did the evil Aztecs lords have some genetic connection with the leaders of the Culture of Death in every age?

Does that explain the mystery of why the DNA studies of such evil ancients are either not done or not available?
