The politics of envy.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

A long, sustained chorus of complaints about the “One Percent” ended in Tuesday’s election results.  The politics of envy turned many who are not rich against those who are.  “Voting is the best revenge.”, their leader told those who had less than they were led to think was “fair”.

The lessons of history are clear.  Those who gain power by using the politics of envy are usually followed by heavily armed gangs of even angrier, more bitter people.  They believe that guillotines and gulags are the best revenge.

The politics of envy unleashes forces beyond the desire for more.  After forced redistribution take place, other kinds of envy become painfully obvious.  History records instances of uncontrolled envy destroying those who are  joyful,  intelligent, attractive, and independent.

Waiting in the wings are dark clouds of souls so corrupted by envy they are driven to level the well-dressed, the industrious, the happy, the obedient, the temperate, the lighthearted, the disciplined, and the holy.  As soon as such corrupted souls gain power, they will attack and destroy all those whose only crime is to be, or have, more  of anything than they.

What’s at the heart of the politics of envy?  The devil is the source of all the corrupting errors for us human programs.  He has sent demons of envy to spread jealously of everything everywhere.  Their twisted mission is to hate and destroy every kind of goodness that every guardian angel tries to provide each for each human program.

There is a greater and immortal danger to those who practice the politics of envy:

Envy of God’s power prompted Adam and Eve to eat the apple.   The Loving Programmer, by the greatest possible sacrifice, provided us with the Sacraments to escape from the results of that original envy.  Those who succumb to the politics of envy do not access those cleansing Sacraments in a meaningful way.

This gets very serious:  Some who encourage the politics of envy pretend to be obedient Catholics.   Such a person must thoroughly corrupt his or her mind to instruct people, “God says ‘Thou shalt not covet’, but you can because I want you to.”   Those who intentionally lead people to ignore God’s Commandments for personal gain are participating in a “complex fraud”.  They must receive the sentence that awaits the awful crime of having made countless other souls commit mortal sins.

When that sentence is carried out, intolerable pain that must be tolerated forever is visited upon that tortured soul.  At that nano-second, when the newly tortured soul first shrieks in endless pain, the destroying demon that encouraged the lost soul to fan the flames of envy is about as happy as it’s allowed to be.

